The Union Home Secretary, Ajay Kumar Bhalla, today chaired a high-level meeting to review the progress of Smart Metering roll out and power sector reforms in the Union Territories.
Secretary, Ministry of Power, Govt. of India, Alok Kumar and Chief Secretaries of all Union Territories, participated in the meeting. Arun Kumar Mehta, Chief Secretary, J&K represented UT of J&K in the meeting.
The Union Home Secretary observed that the ‘Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme’ which was announced by the Union Finance Minister during the budget speech (FY 2021-22) focusses mainly on reforms in the sector .
He underscored that the scheme aims to improve quality and reliability of power supply to consumers and a financially and operationally efficient distribution sector. He said thrust on Smart Metering is one of the distinguishing features of the scheme, adding that the Smart Metering is to be rolled out in Mission mode in the Union territories, which shall eventually become a model for other states of the country.
Smart meters will bring about transparency in metering, billing and collection which will eventually reduce power losses and ensure quality and reliable power supply to consumers. The meters will be read remotely in Data Centre at Srinagar and Data Recovery Centre at Jammu through communication channels, which will also facilitate the distribution Corporations to know the status of power supply at consumer end and take prompt action in case there is power interruption due to system faults or some other reasons.