Schedule for online Submission of Assignments of B.A / B.Sc./B.Com/Home Science(Under-graduate) Programmes
Regular 6th
- Semester, Session-2020, Batch-2017
Date of Submission
Stream From To
Mode of Submission
Zoology (Immunology), Math (Linear Algebra), Chemistry (Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis), Chemistry (Material Chemistry), Electronics (Photonic Devices & Power Electronics) Physics (Solid State Physics & Devices) Botany (Economic Botany & Biotechnology) Botany (Genetics and Plant Breeding) Botany (Plant Pathology) Geology (Geochemistry, Geophysics, Hydrology, Remote Sensing, Environmental Geology, GLT6) Clinical Biochemistry (Human Physiology & Disorders-II) Bio Chemistry (Molecular Biology) EWM(Water Resource Management) Computer Applications (Visual Basics .NET) Industrial Chemistry (Engineering Materials II) Industrial Fish and Fisheries (Quality Control and Fisheries Planning) Human Genetics (Clinical Genetics/Medical Genetics) Public Nutrition & Dietetics Geography (Fundamentals of Disaster Management) Bio Technology (Recombinant DNA Technology & Plant Tissue Culture) Bio Technology (Plant Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering) Food Science Technology (Processing of Foods of Animal Origin) Statistics (Statistical Inference and Industrial Statistics) Bio Informatics (Informatics in Omics & Application) Nutrition and Dietetics (Food Microbiology & Safety) IT (Data Communication and Computer Networks)
Math (Linear Algebra),Psychology (Research Methodology),Kashmiri (Seerat Te Adab),Arabic (Grammar and Translation II) Persian(Classical & Modern Persian Prose),Hindi (Pryojan Mulak Hindi Avem Anuvad),Punjabi (Adhunuk Punjabi Kahani) Urdu (Special Study of Allama Iqbal),Urdu (Special Study of Mirza Ghalib),History (Some Aspects of European History, 1780-1945),Islamic Studies (Islamic Social Sciences),Political Science (Understanding Globalization) Political Science (Administration & Public Policy Concepts and Theories),English Literature (Post-Colonial Literature) Education (Education and Society),Functional English (English Language Teaching ETL),Computer Applications (Visual Basics .NET) ,Tourism (Tourism & Ecology),Hindustani Music, Social work (Social Justice and Constitutional Remedies) Sociology (Social Stratification),Geography (Fundamentals of Disaster Management),Economic (Economic Development & Policy in India II),Philosophy (Logic & Scientific Method),Statistics (Statistical Inference and Industrial Statistics) Public Nutrition & Dietetics
Date of Submission
Stream From To
- Science (DSE) 16th August -26th August
- Commerce (DSE) 16th August- 26th August
- Home Science (DSE) 16th August 26th August
- Arts/Social Science (DSE) 12th August 28th August
- Generic Electives 29th August 3 rd September
Mode of Submission
Through email to be sent to
concerned HOD. The emails of
concerned HODs are available on
the respective college websites.
Stream Stream Subjects (Discipline Specific Electives)
- Science
Zoology (Immunology), Math (Linear Algebra), Chemistry (Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis), Chemistry (Material Chemistry), Electronics (Photonic Devices & Power Electronics) Physics (Solid State Physics & Devices) Botany (Economic Botany & Biotechnology) Botany (Genetics and Plant Breeding) Botany (Plant Pathology) Geology (Geochemistry, Geophysics, Hydrology, Remote Sensing, Environmental Geology, GLT6) Clinical Biochemistry (Human Physiology & Disorders-II) Bio Chemistry (Molecular Biology) EWM(Water Resource Management) Computer Applications (Visual Basics .NET) Industrial Chemistry (Engineering Materials II) Industrial Fish and Fisheries (Quality Control and Fisheries Planning) Human Genetics (Clinical Genetics/Medical Genetics) Public Nutrition & Dietetics Geography (Fundamentals of Disaster Management) Bio Technology (Recombinant DNA Technology & Plant Tissue Culture) Bio Technology (Plant Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering) Food Science Technology (Processing of Foods of Animal Origin) Statistics (Statistical Inference and Industrial Statistics) Bio Informatics (Informatics in Omics & Application) Nutrition and Dietetics (Food Microbiology & Safety) IT (Data Communication and Computer Networks)
- Commerce
Banking and Insurance ,International Business, Office Management & Secretarial Practices
- Home Science
- Arts/Social Science
Math (Linear Algebra),Psychology (Research Methodology),Kashmiri (Seerat Te Adab),Arabic (Grammar and Translation II) Persian(Classical & Modern Persian Prose),Hindi (Pryojan Mulak Hindi Avem Anuvad),Punjabi (Adhunuk Punjabi Kahani) Urdu (Special Study of Allama Iqbal),Urdu (Special Study of Mirza Ghalib),History (Some Aspects of European History, 1780-1945),Islamic Studies (Islamic Social Sciences),Political Science (Understanding Globalization) Political Science (Administration & Public Policy Concepts and Theories),English Literature (Post-Colonial Literature) Education (Education and Society),Functional English (English Language Teaching ETL),Computer Applications (Visual Basics .NET) ,Tourism (Tourism & Ecology),Hindustani Music, Social work (Social Justice and Constitutional Remedies) Sociology (Social Stratification),Geography (Fundamentals of Disaster Management),Economic (Economic Development & Policy in India II),Philosophy (Logic & Scientific Method),Statistics (Statistical Inference and Industrial Statistics) Public Nutrition & Dietetics
- Generic Electives
General English, Hindi (Introduction to Hindi Grammar & Writing) History (Issues in Contemporary World) Islamic Studies (Basic Islamic
Sciences Quran, Hadith & Fiqh) Kashmiri (Kaeshri Adbuk Taaruf-II) Political Science (Human rights, Gender and Environment) Punjabi (
Punjab i Mahakav Ata Viharak ) Psychology (Foundations of Psychology- II)
Statistics (Basic Statistics II), Sociology (Social Problem in India), Arabic (Arabic Text and Applied Grammar)
Bio-Resources (Bio-Resource Bio-tech., Economics (Growth & Development) Tourism ,(Tourism resources of J&K)
Education (Educational Psychology) Urdu (Study of prose and Poetic form in Urdu) Philosophy ( Introduction to Philosophy-II) Social Work
(Introduction to Women Empowerment) Indian Music (Indian Music-II),